Friday, January 23, 2009

LHST Board Agenda

The LHST Board will consider the following items on the agenda on Sunday night:

1. Review of minutes from September 2008 meeting
2. Vacant At-Large Board position
3. Treasurer’s report
4. RSL report: preference for Division placement
5. Membership: Computer needs; By-laws question
6. Equipment report: Lane Line storage;Other equipment needs?
7. Fundraising
8. Social report
9. Spirit items
10. Ice Cream Social
11. Calendar
12. Team Unify
13. Staffing needs for 2009
14. Other business?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Lee's Hill Lightning Board Meeting

Welcome to 2009! Even though it's cold and summer seems a long time away, it's time for the Swim Team Board to begin our preparations for the upcoming season.

The Swim Team Board will meet this coming Sunday, January 25, 7:00 pm at the North Community Center. Members are permitted to attend meetings, except when an executive session is called according to our bylaws. I will be posting our agenda later this week. If you have questions or concerns about agenda items or other matters, please email me at or call 736-8291.