Thursday, May 31, 2018

Lee's Hill Lightning News - Flap Jack Fundraiser - Saturday Morning at Applebee's 8:00 AM

Lee’s Hill Lightning Families,


Please join us and help support our first team fundraiser this Saturday morning June 2nd at 8:00 – 10:00 AM at the Southpoint Applebee’s. 


Tickets are $10, either in advance or at the door, and includes pancakes, sausage, eggs and a beverage-- what a great deal! 


Swim team board members have tickets to sell or just show up!  Please share this information and invite your friends and family.


This is a GREAT way for us to raise money to support our swim team expenses--  for each ticket we sell, we receive $6 in profit!!!!   


Also, we are in need of kids to help with the serving of food.  Swimmers 11 years and older can help the team by serving food to our patrons.


Please RSVP and if you have swimmers that would be willing to help, Beth Valasko has set up a Signupgenius: (Copy and Paste the following)!/showRSVPSignUp/10C0A4AADA629A0FA7-lees


The team will need about 14 servers to make this fundraiser successful... it should be fun for all involved!


Please spread the word, save the date, and plan to join us for a fun breakfast. Let me know ASAP if your kids can help. 


See you on Saturday, June 2nd! 


Go Lightning!


Lee's Hill Lightning News -

Lee’s Hill Lightning Families,

Welcome to the 2018 Summer Swim Season!

I am still working on updating the email distribution list – so if you have sent me an e-mail asking to be removed, please be patient with me.

Also – if you hear of a family that is not receiving e-mails please have them send an email to: to get on the distribution list.


Having rain delays is sometimes part of summer swimming.  We monitor the weather during meets and practices, and we abide by our pool rules. When the Lifeguards close the pool – we must follow there directions with regard to clearing the pool deck and when a practice or meet might resume.

We use three ways to communicate with the team:

  1. E-mail
  2. Facebook – Lee’s Hill Lightning Swim Team

If a practice is cancelled, or a swim meet is delayed we try to use these three methods to communicate updates to the team. If we are at our pool or at an away meet – Facebook and are going to be the preferred method of communicating.

Returning families – if you see a new family you do not recognize – please introduce yourself and answer any questions they might have. Make them part of our Lightning Swim Team Family.

I know that it was pretty daunting when we first joined the team.

New Families- Don’t be shy!  Ask us any questions you may have!  We were new to the team once too and had the same questions.  Sometimes we just don’t know what you need to know!

How to Join RainedOut:

RainedOut in fact is just a website:

Once on the website - you then search for: Lee’s Hill Lightning Swim Team

You can sign up for text messages and/or e-mail alerts

If you paste the following it should bring you right to the sign up:

Rained out comes in very handy during an actual meet.  Please sign up!

Have a great night!

Bob Denecke

Meet Director

301-908-1343 Cell

540-898-4403 Home


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Lee's Hill Lightning News - Third RSL Training Session Wednesday May 23 @ Spotsylvania YMCA 7:00 PM

Lee’s Hill Lightning Families,

Reminder - the third 2018 RSL Training Session is being held on Wednesday May 23rd at the Spotsylvania YMCA pool at 7:00 PM

Our team had a fantastic group of trained officials last year, but we were very short in some positions.  Some of our trained officials from last year are not returning to the team this summer. We really need additional Stroke and Turn Judges!! Hopefully, most of last year’s returning officials will renew, if required this year, but it would be great if we could have many more people trained to help support our team. If you are feeling a bit unsure, I am 100% sure that the officials from last year would love to mentor you!  New officials will have the support of seasoned officials.   The more RSL trained officials the team has helps to spread out the workload over the season.

Remember, only Head Clerks of Course, Head Timers, Head Scorekeepers, and Starters who received training in 2017 will carry over to the 2018 season.

Here are the remaining four 2018 RSL Training Dates:



Wednesday May 23 - Spotsylvania YMCA @ 7:00 PM


Wednesday May 30 - Aqua Harbour @ 7:00 PM


Saturday June 9 – Hampton Oaks @ 9:00 AM


Thursday June 14 – Hopyard @ 6:30 PM


Volunteers are critical to the running of our swim meets. Competitive swimming requires parents to be actively involved in all aspects of our swim meets. Timers, judges, concessions attendants, announcers, starters, and scorekeepers are a few of the positions which are filled by parent volunteers. Volunteering is a requirement for our team.

Training for particular positions (i.e. starter, stroke and turn judge, referee, head timer, head scorer, and head clerk of course) is available prior to the beginning of our season. These "trained" volunteer positions are not difficult and are essential to running the meets. Each team is required to have trained volunteers - please consider helping your team and learning more about the sport of swimming!

If you have been trained in the past and need to renew, or have never been trained, please try to attend one of the RSL training sessions. If you are new to the team – there are plenty of volunteer positions that do not require training.  If you have been on the team for a few years – please think about getting training as a Stroke and Turn Judge.

If you are an active high school or USA Swimming Official, please be sure to fill out and return the required form to the RSL.

We really need Stroke and Turn Officials and Referees!

The first two training sessions had the training for Stroke and Turn and Referee’s combined and it seems to be getting very positive feedback.

It is VERY helpful to have an Administrative Referee on Deck to help the meet move along faster.

But anyone wanting to train as a Starter, Head Timer, Head Clerk of Course,  or Head Scorer  - we always have a need!!!

PLEASE NOTE: All RSL training is free, except Stroke and Turn Trainees and Referees are required to complete the online course at and to bring their certificate to training. The swim team will reimburse you for this expense if requested.

Please direct all questions regarding volunteer training to:

Thank you very much for taking the time to get trained and for volunteering!

Go Lightning!

Bob Denecke

Meet Director


PS – If you need directions to any of the pools where training is being held – please go to the RSL Website:


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Lee's Hill Lightning News - First RSL Training Session Tonight @ Idlewild 7:00 PM

Lee’s Hill Lightning Families,

The first 2018 RSL Training Session is today May 15th at the Idlewild pool at 7:00 p.m.

It is that time of year again, when I need to request your help! The RSL has released all the dates for this year’s training classes.  Our team had a fantastic group of trained officials last year, but we were very short in some positions.  Some of our trained officials from last year are not returning to the team this summer. We really need additional Stroke and Turn Judges!! Hopefully, most of last year’s returning officials will renew, if required this year, but it would be great if we could have many more people trained to help support our team. If you are feeling a bit unsure, I am 100% sure that the officials from last year would love to mentor you!  New officials will have the support of seasoned officials.   

Remember, only Head Clerks of Course, Head Timers, Head Scorekeepers, and Starters who received training in 2017 will carry over to the 2018 season.

Here are the six 2018 RSL Training Dates:



Tuesday May 15 – Idlewild @ 7:00 PM


Saturday May 19 – Fawn Lake @ 9:30 AM


Wednesday May 23 - Spotsylvania YMCA @ 7:00 PM


Wednesday May 30 - Aqua Harbour @ 7:00 PM


Saturday June 9 – Hampton Oaks @ 9:00 AM


Thursday June 14 – Hopyard @ 6:30 PM


Volunteers are critical to the running of our swim meets. Competitive swimming requires parents to be actively involved in all aspects of our swim meets. Timers, judges, concessions attendants, announcers, starters, and scorekeepers are a few of the positions which are filled by parent volunteers. Volunteering is a requirement for our team.

Training for particular positions (i.e. starter, stroke and turn judge, referee, head timer, head scorer, and head clerk of course) is available prior to the beginning of our season. These "trained" volunteer positions are not difficult and are essential to running the meets. Each team is required to have trained volunteers - please consider helping your team and learning more about the sport of swimming!

If you have been trained in the past and need to renew, or have never been trained, please try to attend one of the RSL training sessions. If you are new to the team – there are plenty of volunteer positions that do not require training.  If you have been on the team for a few years – please think about getting training as a Stroke and Turn Judge.

If you are an active high school or USA Swimming Official, please be sure to fill out and return the required form to the RSL.

We really need Stroke and Turn Officials and Referees! But anyone wanting to train as a Starter, Head Timer, Head Clerk of Course,  or Head Scorer  - we always have a need!!!

PLEASE NOTE: All RSL training is free, except Stroke and Turn Trainees and Referees are required to complete the online course at and to bring their certificate to training. The swim team will reimburse you for this expense if requested.

Please direct all questions regarding volunteer training to:

Thank you very much for taking the time to get trained and for volunteering!

Go Lightning!

Bob Denecke

Meet Director


PS – If you need directions to any of the pools where training is being held – please go to the RSL Website: