Lightning Families,
We have just a few days left, and as always, we need full participation from all families who are in town to end our season in fine form!
Wednesday, July 29 is our Swimathon, in memory of Deann Fischer. The team plans to purchase a tree aniid a plaque to honor her years of devotion to the team. Please collect donations and bring them to the pool between now and Sunday. Coach Jay will have an envelope. Swimmers will count their laps at practice on Wednesday. Parents may come swim as well.
Friday, July 31 is our final practice of the season. We will have a pot-luck breakfast after each practice group. Please bring goodies to share!
Saturday August 1 is RSL Finals at King George YMCA. Coach Jay has the events that each swimmer has been assigned. No changes may be made to any of the events. If your child has been entered into the meet, it is critical that he or she be present to swim their assigned events. Our team typically does very well at Finals, because swimmers at B and C levels also earn team points. The top 3 swimmers in each level in each event receive medals!
The team will have a couple of tents for finals, but if you have tents please bring them. We will be spending most of the day outside, and keeping the swimmers (and parents!) out of the blazing sun is very important. Bring lots of water!
Sunday August 2 is our End of Season party and LHST Annual Meeting. I sent an earlier email about the food portion of the evening. Coach Jay will present awards to all the swimmers, then they will be dismissed to the pool. For the Annual Meeting, you will have an opportunity to provide feedback to the board, and share ideas for next season.
Board elections are part of the Annual Meeting as well. We re-elect the board each year, and members may serve up to 3 consecutive 1 year terms. We will elect a slate of candidates for the 2009-2010 board, and right now that slate has a few openings. I am attaching the job requirements for each board position. We need volunteers for
President, Vice President, RSL Representative, Membership Chairman, and an At-Large director. Just as we put out a call for RSL training this past season, we are putting out a call for Board Members. You answered the last call beautifully, and I'm sure you will do the same again this time.
Thank you for all your support and encouragement this year. I am proud to have worked with all of you and your swimmers!
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