The Board will start planning in January for next season!
Go Lightning!
Donna Aker
Online Missed Meet Form
Official Newsletter of the Lee's Hill Lightning Swim Team! Go Lightning! Swim Lightning Fast!
What a fantastic season - 4-0-1!!
We are still practicing, though the schedule has changed a little (see complete schedule below).
On August 3, we will have another Spirit Night at Chic-Fil-A! I'll get the coupons out as soon as possible.
Don't forget to let Coach Jay know by Friday (sooner if possible) if you will not be swimming in Finals. If you don't tell her you won't be there, she will put your child in at least one event. Finals are Saturday, August 7th. Swimmers 10 and under will be in the morning and 11 and older will be in the afternoon. Finals will be held at the King George YMCA which is on the West bound side of Rt. 3 just past Rt 205. This is an indoor pool and we will have a team area in the Gym. Parking will be tight, but last year they had "parking attendants" to help direct you.
Score Lee's Hill 276 – Lake of the Woods 234
Triple Winners are
Mike Young 17 50 Free 25.37, 50 Fly 28.33, 50 Back 28.33 a new Lee's Hill record
Shannon Minnch 15 50 Free 30.97, 50 Back 34.97, 100 IM 1:18.33
Sparks of the week are
Catherine Tryfiates (8)
Girls 8 & U 25 Back 35.37 (-7.85)
Callum McDaniel (8)
Boys 8 & U 25 Fly 25.95 (-6.08)
Remember that the practice schedule has changed please see below.
Wednesday 28 13-18 6:45 – 8:15am 9-12 8:15am – 9:25am 8 & under 9:25 – 10am
Thursday 29 13-18 6:45 – 8:15am 9-12 8:15am – 9:25am 8 & under 9:25 – 10am
Friday 30 13-18 6:45 – 8:15am 9-12 8:15am – 9:25am 8 & under 9:25 – 10am
Monday 2 13-18 6:45 – 8:15am 9-12 8:15am – 9:25am 8 & under 9:25 – 10am
Tuesday 3 13-18 6:45 – 8:15am 9-12 8:15am – 9:25am 8 & under 9:25 – 10am
Wednesday 4 Regular time start
13-18 7:30 - 8:30am 9-12 8:30am – 9:25am 8 & under 9:25 – 10am
Thursday 5 Fun days Water Polo, start 8am
Friday 6 Regular times start, Meet morning and annual last Day Breakfast details to come
13-18 7:30 - 8:30am 9-12 8:30am – 9:25am 8 & under 9:25 – 10am
Saturday 7 FINALS
Sunday 8 Banquet and Awards. Details to come
Clinics will beheld the last week of Practice Monday 2 and Tuesday 3 only.
Donna Aker
Online Missed Meet Form
Rachel Turman (7) - 8 & under 25 Free 35.87 (-14.95)
Hamilton Schattgen (11) - 11-12 50 Breast 1:11.98 (-13.75)
Tyler Kauppert 17 50 Fly 29.09 50 Back 31.69 100IM 1:06.58
Sam Kauppert 14 50 Free 28.94 50 Fly 34.22 50 Back 34.70
Amanda Hensen 10 25 Fly 21.34 25 Back 23.04 25 Breast 24.03
Shannon Minnich 15 50 Fly 32.06 50 Back 35.71 100 IM 1:15.76
There will be no Clinics next week, due to we are planning for Finals. If you are not able to make Finals, PLEASE let Coach Jay know ASAP by the form or e-mail. I cannot make any changes after July 30; every swimmer that attends finals will be placed into an event.
After Monday's meet it is still very important to come to practice we still have two weeks left before Finals so please make every effort to make practices. The practice schedule has changed for the last two weeks of swimming please take note.
Monday 26 Meet at Lake of the Woods, be there no later than 4:45pm
Tuesday 27 Fun days Water Polo, start 8am
Wednesday 28 13-18 6:45 – 8:15am 9-12 8:15am – 9:25am 8 & under 9:25 – 10am
Thursday 29 13-18 6:45 – 8:15am 9-12 8:15am – 9:25am 8 & under 9:25 – 10am
Friday 30 13-18 6:45 – 8:15am 9-12 8:15am – 9:25am 8 & under 9:25 – 10am
Monday 2 13-18 6:45 – 8:15am 9-12 8:15am – 9:25am 8 & under 9:25 – 10am
Tuesday 3 13-18 6:45 – 8:15am 9-12 8:15am – 9:25am 8 & under 9:25 – 10am
Wednesday 4 Regular time start
13-18 7:30 - 8:30am 9-12 8:30am – 9:25am 8 & under 9:25 – 10am
Thursday 5 Fun days Water Polo, start 8am
Friday 6 Regular times start, Meet morning and annual last Day Breakfast details to come
13-18 7:30 - 8:30am 9-12 8:30am – 9:25am 8 & under 9:25 – 10am
Saturday 7 FINALS
Sunday 8 Banquet and Awards. Details to come
As we get closer to the end of the season, please remember, the SWIM TEAM is not just a team of swimmers, but a TEAM of FAMILIES that work together to give our children an opportunity to improve their swimming and compete in swim meets. As a SWIM TEAM FAMILY, it takes all of us to achieve a positive and rewarding season. Many have shown that TEAM spirit by filling in as needed at the meets. If you have not yet worked or signed up for enough jobs, Carey Pohanka will be contacting you, or you can contact her, As I said at the beginning of the season, this is about OUR kids. As parents, the best way to show our kids we support them is to be part of the TEAM.
Sparks of the week:
Girls Cassie Getch 7 –9.07 25 Back
Boys Grayson Updike 8 -7.91 25 Back
2 new records tonight:
100IM - Mike Young 1:04.78
13-18 Medley - Tommy Hunt; Tyler Kauppert; Mike Young; Sam Kauppert 56.41
Triple Winners:
Mike Young 17 50 fly 28.52; 50 back 29.64; IM 1:04.78
Tyler Kauppert 17 100 free 56.; 50 free 25.77; 50 Breast 32.71
Sam Kauppert 14 50 free 28.62; 50 Fly 34.77; 50 Back 35.55