Friday, June 5, 2015

Lee's Hill Lightning News - Flapjack Fundraiser THIS Saturday at Applebee's in Massaponax from 8-10 AM

Hello Swim Team Families!


Just a reminder about our Flapjack Fundraiser THIS Saturday, June 6th, from 8-10am at Applebee's in Massaponax! 


Please spread the word to your friends, family and neighbors!


Tickets are $10 either pre-sale or at the door.  The breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, eggs and beverage.


We would love see a great turnout and earn funds for the team. 


Also, I am still in need of 2-3 to help serve the food during the last hour. Several servers have to leave early.  Please email me at asap if your child is willing and able to help (11yo and up). It should be a fun event!


Thanks so much!

Nikki Hyldahl

LHST Social Chair



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