Tuesday, July 28, 2009

End of Season Picnic!

Lightning Families,
We will celebrate our awesome season this Sunday, August 2, beginning at 4pm at the North Pool!
Food:  The team will provide pizza, pasta, and beverages (soda, Gatorade and bottled water). If someone wants something else, bring your own. If your last name begins with Lletters N-Z bring a covered side dish, letters A-M bring dessert. Plates, napkins, utensils are also provided by the team.

Bring your own chairs. Annual meeting will be held during the banquet, following the trophy presentation.

 Raffle drawings throughout the banquet. Gift cards from Dicks Sporting Goods, Bloom, Danny’s Pizza, Lee’s Hill Golf Club and others will be available to win. Please bring some cash to help support the team with this fun end of the year fundraiser.

 During the annual meeting, we will have our election of officers and board members for the coming year.  If you are interested in serving the team in this very important capacity and haven't been contacted by a current board member, please email me ASAP.

Good luck to all our swimmers at RSL Finals, Y-Nationals, and Senior Champs meets this week!

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